Legal administrative assistant

Legal administrative assistant Info session

Meet instructors and get your questions answered.

荔枝视频在线's five-month legal administrative assistant program is open to candidates with previous office administrative assistant work experience or education.

This intensive program will give you the legal knowledge that you need to step into a law office and work as an assistant to a lawyer. Our courses cover the largest areas of law, including civil litigation, family law, corporate procedures, wills and estates, and conveyancing. We use the most up-to-date computing equipment and specialized legal software.

Our graduates are at work in firms across the city, including Faskens, Miller Thomson and McCarthy Tetrault as well as at the Department of Justice and at several B.C. court registries.

Join us for an online information session by signing up below. The session includes a program presentation, Q&A session, and information on how to obtain a free keyboarding assessment.

See our space

Take a look inside our campuses! Many 荔枝视频在线 programs rely on specialized equipment and hands-on experiences, and we're working hard to keep students learning safely in our classrooms, labs, kitchens, and workshops.

Broadway campus

1155 East Broadway

Vancouver, B.C. V5T 4V5


Downtown campus

250 West Pender Street

Vancouver, B.C. V6B 1S9